Sunday, August 29, 2010

Drunk driver who left girlfriend in flooded car gets prison sentence

On Friday, Michael Brandon Walck, 23, who drove his car into a ditch last October in Virginia Beach, and fled the scene with his injured girlfriend trapped in a vehicle quickly filling with water, was sentenced to two and a half years in prison.

For the DUI, Walck actually received a year’s sentence, and five years for felony hit and run, but the judge suspended three and a half years of that sentence.

Walck was driving on Sandbridge Road, after a night of drinking when he lost control of his car and ran into a ditch.

According to police, he then ran from the scene, leaving his girlfriend in waist-deep water. It took an hour for firefighters to extract her from the car. She was taken by helicopter to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital with a leg injury.

Police found Walck a short time after the accident.  

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