Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hampton jury recommends 90 year sentence for child molester

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On Friday, a jury in Hampton found David Lewis Harris Jr., 30, guilty of multiple sexual assault charges and recommended that he spend the next 90 years in prison.

Harris was convicted of five counts of forcible sodomy and one count of aggravated sexual battery on a girl who was 5-years-old when the abuse began. The assaults took place between September 2006 and July 2009.

His young victim testified against Harris, at one point, having to leave the courtroom to compose herself.

Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney Valerie H. Bowen told the Daily Press: “It was very, very upsetting. It was just awful. The details were very disturbing…And his testimony on the stand was â€" I guess I would describe it as nonchalant and a little bit argumentative.”

Harris will be formally sentenced on Aug. 23, by Circuit Court Judge Christopher W. Hutton.


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Convicted felon Michael Vick hosting football camp at Hampton University

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This week, Hampton University will be holding a youth football camp, with convicted felon Michael Vick serving as the camp’s host.

At an April press conference announcing the camp, Vick talked about being seen as a role model for kids. Vick said: “Time spent with kids â€" just talking with an NFL player for 15 seconds â€" can spark a dream. That's the purpose of this camp.”

The camp is open to kids between the ages of 8-17.

Vick, who was convicted of federal dog fighting charges, has been trying to mend his public image since his release from prison.

In October 2009, Vick told the Los Angeles Times: “I just want people to really get to know me as an individual. What I want to do is change the perception of me. I am a human being. I've made some mistakes in the past, and I wish it had never happened. But it's not about how you fall, but about how you pick yourself up.”

What Vick calls “mistakes” were actually felonies which could have sent him to prison for much longer than the 18 months he spent incarcerated. The fact is, he spent years torturing and killing defenseless animals.

When police raided Vick’s house in Surry County in 2007, they found 65 dogs (nearly all pit bulls), a dog-fighting pit, blood-stained carpets, and various equipment commonly used in dog fighting.

One of the items found on Vick’s property was a ‘rape stand’ which is a device in which female dogs are strapped into and restrained, to allow a male dog to breed with her.

According to the federal indictment, when dogs at Vick’s Bad Newz Kennels lost a fight, or failed to perform well in ‘test matches,’ they were routinely killed by methods including electrocution, hanging, drowning, and in at least one case by “slamming” the dog’s body onto the concrete floor. In one session in April 2007, at least eight dogs were killed through these methods.

Vick took part in these executions along with his partners Purnell Peace, and Quanis Phillips. The indictment detailed a March 2003 incident, in which a female pit bull who had just lost a match was killed. Vick and Peace decided to kill her by “wetting the dog down with water and electrocuting her.”

Is this someone that Hampton University should be promoting as a role model to young boys?


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Shooting at Michael Vick's birthday party...Has he violated his probation?

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Around 2:00 a.m. Friday, Virginia Beach police were called to Guadalajara in Town Center after gunshots were fired just outside the restaurant.

A fight broke out when a crowd of people attending Michael Vick's 30th birthday party, dubbed “Vick’s All White 30th Birthday Bash,” spilled onto the street. Several gunshots were fired and one of Vick’s co-defendants in the federal dog fighting case, Quanis Phillips, was taken to Virginia Beach General Hospital with a gunshot wound in his leg.

It is unclear whether or not Vick was present at the time of the shooting.

Vick is still on federal probation and on a three-year suspended sentence for a state dog fighting conviction. As a condition of his release, he is not allowed to associate with known felons, that would certainly include Quanis Phillips.

Phillips, along with Vick took part not only in the dog fights at Vick’s Bad Newz Kennels but routinely killed dogs by methods including electrocution, hanging, drowning, and in at least one case by “slamming” the dog’s body onto the concrete floor. In one session in April 2007, at least eight dogs were killed through these methods.

Vick’s lawyer, Larry Woodward, claims that Vick was not involved in the shooting.

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said the league has opened an investigation into the shooting.


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Lawrence Taylor just indicted for rape

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On Friday, a jury in Hampton found David Lewis Harris Jr., 30, guilty of multiple sexual assault charges and recommended that he spend the next 90 years in prison.

Harris was convicted of five counts of forcible sodomy and one count of aggravated sexual battery on a girl who was 5-years-old when the abuse began. The assaults took place between September 2006 and July 2009.

His young victim testified against Harris, at one point, having to leave the courtroom to compose herself.

Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney Valerie H. Bowen told the Daily Press: “It was very, very upsetting. It was just awful. The details were very disturbing…And his testimony on the stand was â€" I guess I would describe it as nonchalant and a little bit argumentative.”

Harris will be formally sentenced on Aug. 23, by Circuit Court Judge Christopher W. Hutton.


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Home invasions, burglaries will drop thanks to Supreme Court decision

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This morning, the Supreme Court ruled that Americans have the right to keep a handgun in their home for self-defense, regardless of where they live.

In a 5-4 vote, high court rejected the long-instituted handgun ban in the Chicago area.

Justice Samuel Alito issued the following opinion for the majority: “It is clear that the framers and ratifiers of the Fourteenth Amendment counted the right to keep and bear arms among those fundamental rights necessary to our system of ordered liberty.”

Chicago municipal law dictates that all guns be registered with the police. However, the city does not permit handguns to be registered, which places a ban on handguns for Chicago residents. Additionally, the Chicago suburbs of Evanston, Highland Park, Morton Grove, Oak Park, Wilmette, and Winnetka have all outlawed the ownership of handguns.

Despite such tough restrictions on the ownership and carrying of guns, there were 458 murders last year in Chicago. Since 1990, more than 13,000 people have been murdered in that city.

In the coming years, as residents of the Windy City are now allowed to purchase handguns for their homes, we will see a dramatic drop in crime in and around Chicago, just as we have seen in our nation’s capital.

During 2009, there were 143 murders in Washington D.C., a 23 percent drop from the previous year. This, in a city which for many years.

That bit of good news was completely ignored by had the nation’s mainstream media…But why?

The answer to the aforementioned question, as well as to the reason for the lowest number of murders in our nation’s capital since 1964, can be attributed to the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision which lifted the city’s handgun ban.

That 5-4 decision read: “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.”

Of course, laws which prohibit law-abiding citizens from possessing and carrying firearms are not lost on criminals. It is no coincidence that in the 32 years since the District of Columbia placed a ban on the ownership of handguns, the number of crimes to individuals (rape, robbery, murder) soared.

It is also no coincidence that since the ban was lifted, violent crime, as well as property crimes are much lower in the District.

Criminals are keenly aware of the prospect of an armed citizen and will almost always steer clear of potential victims who may be armed.

In 1982, the town council in Kennesaw, GA, passed a law which required heads of household to have at least one gun in the house. The burglary rate immediately dropped an astounding 89 percent. Ten years after the law was passed, the burglary rate was still 72 percent less than in 1981.

*Reporter’s note: Near the end of World War II, the Japanese leader Tojo once said that the reason Japan never invaded the mainland of the United States was because "there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."

Americans’ right to keep and bear arms has served us well. It is also a well known fact that well armed citizens prevent crimes from occurring, and many of those armed citizens have given countless criminals to an early demise.

The fact is, the police cannot be everywhere at once. If you choose not to defend yourself or your family, that is your absurd decision and I wish you luck. However, for those of us who choose to exercise our Second Amendment right…Remember the old adage: “It is better to be judged by twelve than carried by six!”

Of course, these facts are ignored by the mainstream press because they do not help promote their agenda.


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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hampton jury recommends 90 year sentence for child molester

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Former NFL linebacker Lawrence Taylor, 51, has been indicted by a grand jury just outside New York City on charges of rape, criminal sexual act, endangering the welfare of a child, patronizing a prostitute, and sexual abuse.

The charges stem from Taylor’s arrest on May 6 at a Montebello, NY, Holiday Inn, when he was accused of paying a 16-year-old prostitute $300 for sex.

According to Rockland County District Attorney Thomas Zugibe, the girl told detectives that she had been threatened and physically assaulted. She was allegedly brought to Taylor’s hotel room by a pimp.

If found guilty, Taylor could spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Taylor, who has denied the allegations, grew up in Williamsburg, Va., and played in the NFL from1981-1993, spending his entire pro career with the New York Giants.

The Hall of Fame linebacker is no stranger to the law. In the 1990s, Taylor was jailed twice for purchasing drugs from undercover police officers. Last year, he was arrested in Miami for leaving the scene of an accident.


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Convicted felon Michael Vick hosting football camp at Hampton University

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This week, Hampton University will be holding a youth football camp, with convicted felon Michael Vick serving as the camp’s host.

At an April press conference announcing the camp, Vick talked about being seen as a role model for kids. Vick said: “Time spent with kids â€" just talking with an NFL player for 15 seconds â€" can spark a dream. That's the purpose of this camp.”

The camp is open to kids between the ages of 8-17.

Vick, who was convicted of federal dog fighting charges, has been trying to mend his public image since his release from prison.

In October 2009, Vick told the Los Angeles Times: “I just want people to really get to know me as an individual. What I want to do is change the perception of me. I am a human being. I've made some mistakes in the past, and I wish it had never happened. But it's not about how you fall, but about how you pick yourself up.”

What Vick calls “mistakes” were actually felonies which could have sent him to prison for much longer than the 18 months he spent incarcerated. The fact is, he spent years torturing and killing defenseless animals.

When police raided Vick’s house in Surry County in 2007, they found 65 dogs (nearly all pit bulls), a dog-fighting pit, blood-stained carpets, and various equipment commonly used in dog fighting.

One of the items found on Vick’s property was a ‘rape stand’ which is a device in which female dogs are strapped into and restrained, to allow a male dog to breed with her.

According to the federal indictment, when dogs at Vick’s Bad Newz Kennels lost a fight, or failed to perform well in ‘test matches,’ they were routinely killed by methods including electrocution, hanging, drowning, and in at least one case by “slamming” the dog’s body onto the concrete floor. In one session in April 2007, at least eight dogs were killed through these methods.

Vick took part in these executions along with his partners Purnell Peace, and Quanis Phillips. The indictment detailed a March 2003 incident, in which a female pit bull who had just lost a match was killed. Vick and Peace decided to kill her by “wetting the dog down with water and electrocuting her.”

Is this someone that Hampton University should be promoting as a role model to young boys?


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Lawrence Taylor just indicted for rape

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Former NFL linebacker Lawrence Taylor, 51, has been indicted by a grand jury just outside New York City on charges of rape, criminal sexual act, endangering the welfare of a child, patronizing a prostitute, and sexual abuse.

The charges stem from Taylor’s arrest on May 6 at a Montebello, NY, Holiday Inn, when he was accused of paying a 16-year-old prostitute $300 for sex.

According to Rockland County District Attorney Thomas Zugibe, the girl told detectives that she had been threatened and physically assaulted. She was allegedly brought to Taylor’s hotel room by a pimp.

If found guilty, Taylor could spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Taylor, who has denied the allegations, grew up in Williamsburg, Va., and played in the NFL from1981-1993, spending his entire pro career with the New York Giants.

The Hall of Fame linebacker is no stranger to the law. In the 1990s, Taylor was jailed twice for purchasing drugs from undercover police officers. Last year, he was arrested in Miami for leaving the scene of an accident.


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Shooting at Michael Vick's birthday party...Has he violated his probation?

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Around 2:00 a.m. Friday, Virginia Beach police were called to Guadalajara in Town Center after gunshots were fired just outside the restaurant.

A fight broke out when a crowd of people attending Michael Vick's 30th birthday party, dubbed “Vick’s All White 30th Birthday Bash,” spilled onto the street. Several gunshots were fired and one of Vick’s co-defendants in the federal dog fighting case, Quanis Phillips, was taken to Virginia Beach General Hospital with a gunshot wound in his leg.

It is unclear whether or not Vick was present at the time of the shooting.

Vick is still on federal probation and on a three-year suspended sentence for a state dog fighting conviction. As a condition of his release, he is not allowed to associate with known felons, that would certainly include Quanis Phillips.

Phillips, along with Vick took part not only in the dog fights at Vick’s Bad Newz Kennels but routinely killed dogs by methods including electrocution, hanging, drowning, and in at least one case by “slamming” the dog’s body onto the concrete floor. In one session in April 2007, at least eight dogs were killed through these methods.

Vick’s lawyer, Larry Woodward, claims that Vick was not involved in the shooting.

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said the league has opened an investigation into the shooting.


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