Saturday, December 17, 2011

About the Author

Cheap web hosting packages at offers very good value for money, and is almost the first choice when it comes to cheap web hosting packages.

Ususally you get what you pay for. The cheaper the webhost, less reliable it is. how can you expect 100% uptime, support and unlimited transfer and disk space when you pay under $10/month? at the same time, Yahoo and other reputed companies sell packages with so much less options at a much higher price. Do you see anything here? In short, Yahoo or other big name companies have established their brand and reputation and they have to live up to it. In other words, they have to do every single thing they t 1;ll you upfront. 100% uptime means they have to be 100% uptime, for example.

Linux or Windows?

This is also a question many webmasters wonder especially when they don’t have enough knowledge regards to this. my recommendation is go for the Linux solution. It may appear difficult at first, but when you are acquainted with it, it’s the easiest. It doesn’t take an hour to master the required knowldege just to upload some files and maintain it. It pays off so much in the long run since its easier to install scripts etc. later.

24/7 Support

This is a must. I have got stuck so many times, sometimes because of my limited knowledge and sometimes because my scripts not being compatible with the version of operating system they are running etc. a 24/7 is a must in any webhost you choose. if your website is a money maker and for some reason if something goes wrong, you must be able to complaint instantly at any cost and get the things fixed.

I wish this article is informative and helpful for you.

Fazly Mohamed is the owner of Cheap Web Hosting Packages at , where you can find cheap web hosting packages that offer very good value for your money.Author: Fazly Mohamed

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