Friday, December 9, 2011

Originals By Weber Announces New Product: Weber TF Foot Warmers Have NASA Design Insulated Insoles – No More Cold Feet!

Toms River, NJ (PRWEB) November 10, 2011

Originals by Weber owner, Terrance L. Weber, announces the immediately available Weber TF Foot Warming Insoles with temperature level control (TLC) insulation material originally developed by NASA for use in boots and space suits to give comfort, warmth and protection during astronauts’ walks in space.

These new Toasty Feet Insole Foot Warmers are designed for the general public to use and will fit inside most shoes and boots after being easily trimmed with scissors to the wearer’s shoe size. this very thin insulating material will maintain the wearer’s feet at approximately 72 degrees(F) temperature at all times of the year, indoors and outdoors.

When standing on either hot or cold surfaces the insoles do not reflect the temperature of those surfaces, instead, this high-tech insulation material becomes a barrier that can monitor and maintain the temperature so the wearer’s feet are never too cold nor too hot. this kind of constant temperature level control results in a new level of foot comfort never before attained on earth.

When Weber as asked what kind of comments (feedback) he gets from his Weber TF Foot Warming Insole customers he replied with these examples:

” thank you. I have suffered for years from cold feet in winter, but now, thanks to your great insoles, my feet, even in tennis shoes, are always comfortably warm” “Wow! these really work!” “I am amazed! Fabulous item, don’t hesitate to order!” “Ah…warmth at last!”

A pair of Weber TF Foot Warming Insoles is priced at $25.00 each pair, Free shipping within USA, from Toms River, NJ. (Made in USA) for more information or to order, write to: Originals By Weber, 338 Alabama Ave., Toms River, NJ 08753. or call: 877-309-8382 or 732-864-0353. to learn more about the ways these new Toasty Feet foot warming insoles can help everyone have feet that are always maintained at a comfortable temperature level, visit this website: – At the website, there is a Video made to answer all questions. i& #110; short, the website is the place to see the Video and read everything about about the many benefits of these new kinds of shoe and boot insoles, the amazing Toasty Feet Foot Warmers.

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