Tuesday, December 27, 2011

WordPress hosting for larger site

hello. Brand new to the forum with limited hosting knowledge. Here because I am trying to find the best hosting solution for my needs and I am sure there is someone here who can steer me in the right direction.

I have a Large wordpress site (1000+ pages) with soon to be 4 times that before launch. I have not launched it yet and I am just on bluehost for now until I do. Allready running abit slow. Before I launch it is important to me to find best hosting solution possible for both my current needs and potential future needs. I need the site to be as fast as possible for both SEO purposes and the user experience. I expect the site to eventually (within 1-2 years) be a high traffic site (5-10k uniques a day) and want to be in a position to upgrade easily as my traffic grows without changing co mpanies.

Features I need: -compatible with wordpress -assistance with migrating and setup -caching solution -auto backups -security -reliability

Features I would like: -cpanel -free support email and phone support -litespeed

my budget right now is $50-$100 a month. my budget will grow as does my traffic. since I am not currently getting much traffic I dont need anything that heavy to start, just want to optimize my current speed and have it be very easy upgrade when I do start recieving more traffic. so hopefully a host with the option to upgrade to VPS or a dedicated server when needed?

having a tough time finding the best solution. seems like lots of reviews online are just pushing the product for affiliate commissions. Tried going with VPS.net, but that was a bad experience before I was even able to migrate. somehow they deleted my account that I was getting charged daily for and this took several days to resolve with poor support. Also they charge $10 per ticket? a bit rediculous and after doing more research on them I hav 1; steared away.

Any tips would be much appreciated and I look forward to using this forum and increasing my knowledge on the matter. Thankyou much.

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