Thursday, December 8, 2011

Log Buffer #247, A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Posted by Fahd Mirza on Nov 25, 2011

Thanksgiving is here and the circular chain of thankfulness is going on. Clients are thankful that they have applications, applications are thankful to their databases, database are thankful to their DBAs, and DBAs are thankful to clients. And they all are thankful that there is weekly Log Buffer Edition, of which the latest is Log Buffer #247.


Always a pleasure read, John Piwowar blogs about a change in Oracle Apps world and tells what it means to us.

You never forget your first love, first DBA blooper, and you never forget your first SSD.

Kerry Osborne shares an interesting little project which he recently did.

Why Isn’t my Index Used… when USER2 Executes this Query? One of leading guru Charles Hooper answers.

So what triggers are we talking about? Toon Koppelaars gives overview.

Cary Millsap can help You Trace It. need I say more?

CBO isn’t perfect, and you should remember that.

SQL Server:

Chris Webb is announcing Technitrain â€" Expert SQL Server Training in the UK.

Mike Walsh is thankful for self employment this Thanksgiving.

John Pertell posts last in his series on monitoring performance on a server hosting Microsoft’s SQL Server Reporting Service.

Developers like to have some control over the development process. an example is index building.

On Thanksgiving in USA, Thomas LaRock has two things to mention and one is the DBA Plate.


Shlomi Noach blogs about reading results of SHOW statements, on server side.

Arjen shares the video of recent session at OSDC 2011 Canberra about SQL Locking and transactions.

The ScaleBase Analysis tool gives a schema a grade between 1 and 100 for being “sharding compatible”. It’s a neat feature, but many ask how the grade is calculated. well â€" here goes.

Webyog has for the first time been spending some time trying to understand the performance_schema.

How do you know that your code is fast? is it fast for your test cases or is it fast for every case? when changes are made how does that affect your customers? Dathan Pattishall answers.

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