Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Open borders activist tipping off illegal aliens to raids in Maricopa County

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Lydia Guzman, director of the illegal alien advocacy group known as Respect/Respeto, has been sending out text messages, alerting thousands to the criminal weeps being carried out by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Guzman, who is also a member of the ethnocentric group MALDEF, told the Associated Press that she is merely trying to protect Hispanics from racial profiling and harassment.

Guzman admitted though, that some use her warnings to avoid being caught and deported. However, she is also very proud of what she is doing.

Guzman said: "Everyone is responsible for sending it out to their own networks, and that is how it spreads like wildfire.”

In 13 recent sweeps, Sheriff Arpaio’s deputies have arrested 669 people, about half of whom proved to be illegal aliens.

Referring to Guzman‘s efforts, the man known as ‘America’s Toughest Sheriff,’ said: "This little group of people is [in favor of] open borders, and they don't like what I am doing. That is the bottom line.”

Under Sheriff Arpaio, his department has either identified in jail or arrested a total of more than 30,000 illegal aliens in and around Phoenix, AZ.

The following statements were taken directly from the website of Respect/Respeto:

“During his campaign, President-Elect Obama promised to bring about comprehensive immigration reform. He repeatedly supported measures to fix the dysfunctional immigration bureaucracy by increasing the numbers of legal immigrants in order to keep families together and meet the demand for jobs that employers can't fill. Further he supported a system that allows undocumented immigrants the opportunity to come out of the shadows and into a legal status.

With the significant gain of seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate made by the Democratic Party in the 2008 elections, President-Elect Obama will be able to address immigration reform within his first 100 days. In addition, Senator John McCain will continue to be an ally in the Senate and assist the President-Elect in his efforts to craft and pass comprehensive immigration reform.

America was founded on the principle that the Government obtains its power from the consent of the governed. Respect/Respeto is a non-profit organization dedicated to keeping the promise of the Founding Fathers by fighting any efforts to trample an individual's Unalienable Rights endowed by their creator.”

*Reporter’s note: Guzman’s absurd comparisons between those who invade our country, steal our jobs, and add to our already overcrowded jails and this nation’s founding fathers is not only laughable, but is indicative of the weak argument behind allowing illegal aliens to stay in the U.S.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio has endured years of politicians willing to look the other way on the issue of illegal immigration, even as our children are raped and murdered. Whether it is his own Senator (John McCain), his Governor (Janet Napolitano), or the last and current presidents…Arpaio continues to do his job and enforce the law.

Arpaio has been the target of vicious, hateful attacks from many illegal alien advocates including most infamously from Isabel Garcia of Derechos Humanos, who beheaded an effigy of the sheriff at a 2008 anti-Arpaio rally outside of a Barnes and Nobles.

While many of these radicals who seem to have no loyalty to their own country, fail to ever mention, or possibly do not know, is that Joe Arpaio has lived all over the world, including Mexico during his 25 years as a DEA agent. Consequently, he has many friends in Mexico and while he may not respect the corrupt Mexican government, he does respect the people.

In fact, there are many Mexican who probably owe their lives to Arpaio, as he put himself in grave danger while working in that country.

For him, it is simply about enforcing the law, even if that means in doing so, he will be falsely branded a racist, even if it means doing so without the support of his own president!

Furthermore, Sheriff Joe has been elected five times by the good people of Maricopa County, and he obviously takes their safety very seriously. That is really all that needs to be said about the man who most Americans would love to have as their sheriff.

Anyone wishing to reach Lydia Guzman with your comments, can visit her website:


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