Friday, January 8, 2010

Previously deported illegal alien charged with murder of deputy sheriff

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On Wednesday morning, acting on a tip from a homeowner, sheriff’s deputies in Beaver County, UT, burst into a shed where Mexican nationals Roberto Miramontes Roman and Ruben Chavez Reyes were sleeping, and took both men into custody without incident. Roman is accused of shooting to death Millard County Deputy Josie Fox, during a routine traffic stop a day earlier.

About 1:00 a.m., Tuesday, Deputy Fox pulled over the 1995 Cadillac Deville being driven by Roman on U.S. Highway 50. Detectives say that during the stop, Ramon shot Fox slightly above her bullet-proof vest.

Deputy Josie Fox, 37, served with the Millard County Sheriff's Office for five years. She leaves behind a husband and two children.

According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Roman entered the country legally in 1990, but because of numerous criminal convictions, was deported in 1998. Roman is a convicted drug dealer. A witness cooperating with the investigation, claims that he bought drugs from Roman a few hours before he allegedly murdered Deputy Fox.

Among other offenses, Roman has been caught twice in the past for re-entering this country illegally, the last such arrest and prosecution coming in 2005.

Roman, 37, has been charged with capital murder, as well as tampering with evidence and faces the death penalty if convicted. He is being held in the Millard County Jail.

Chavez Reyes, 36, is being held on immigration violations and is currently being held in the same facility, though charges relating to Deputy Fox’s murder may be forthcoming.


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