Monday, September 6, 2010

D.C. tourist visited museum while his dog was dying inside hot van (in storage bin)

On Monday, Kenneth Reiff of Michigan was arrested and charged with animal cruelty after his eight year old Chihuahua, Rosie died inside a plastic storage bin inside his hot van. Another dog, Pebbles, a 15-year-old Beagle was also left in the vehicle for several hours, while Reiff and his daughter toured the Holocaust Museum.

The temperature in D.C. hit 96 degrees on Monday. The temperature inside the van could have easily reached 125 degrees or higher.

Pebbles is being treated for heat distress and is reportedly recovering.

Reiff has been charged with two counts of animal cruelty.

Unfortunately, this scene has been played out all too often this summer in the District, with tourists responsible for the majority of the deaths.

Scott Giacoppo of the Washington Humane Society said: “It has been a very hot summer and we have had too many dogs die because their owners are irresponsible. Pet owners need to know it is a crime to leave your dog inside a hot car.”

While D.C. Metropolitan Police placed Mr. Reiff under arrest, his daughter was taken into custody by Child Protective Services.

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