Monday, September 20, 2010

With the age of sexual consent at 14...Puerto Rico has become a pedophile paradise

The Associated Press recently ran a story about Jeffrey Allen Weathers, who moved from Alaska to Puerto Rico in order to avoid registering as a sex offender, as the U.S. territory has very weak laws regarding those who commit crimes against children.

Weathers, who was convicted of a sexual assault on a minor and possession of child pornography, was arrested by federal authorities and brought back to the mainland.

Deputy U.S. Marshall Rafael Escobar reported that five unregistered sex offenders hiding-out in Puerto Rico have been arrested in the last year, and his agency is currently searching for 10 more on the island.

Escobar said: “I'm sure there's a bunch more. The Internet is there, and these guys are checking to see where the law is weakest.”

Unlike the U.S. mainland, failing to register as a sex offender in Puerto Rico is only a misdemeanor, not a felony. There are also no laws on the island that prevent convicted child molesters from living near schools or parks.

According to Puerto Rico police Capt. Margarita George, around six convicted sex offenders come to the island every month and register with the police.

But what the AP failed to report is what may be the main draw for U.S. child molesters to move to the Carribean paradise…the age of sexual consent in Puerto Rico is only 14-years of age!

The following is a list of countries that have an age of sexual consent of 14 or lower (where indicated):

-Albania -Bulgaria -Chile -China -Colombia -Ecuador -Estonia -Hungary -Italy -Liechtenstein -Lithuania -Mexico (12) -Moldova -Montenegro -Nigeria (13) -Peru -Serbia -South Korea (13) -Spain (13) -Syria (13) -Vatican (12) -Zimbabwe (12)

Most Muslim countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia have no age of consent law, as it is illegal to have sexual relations outside of marriage. However, these countries allow adult males to “marry” multiple women, and very young girls.  

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