Monday, September 6, 2010

What are the penalties for drunk driving in Virginia?

As Labor Day weekend grows closer, so does the chance of being arrested for those who choose to drink and drive, as local and state police step up their enforcement efforts.

While many Virginians will make the often fatal decision to drive drunk this weekend, they are more than likely unaware of the penalties imposed by the courts for the offense.

The following is the list of penalties imposed on those convicted of DUI in Virginia:

-1st DUI Conviction

Jail â€" 5 Days Minimum (If Passenger under 18 in Vehicle) Jail â€" 5 Days (If Blood Alcohol Level .15-.20) Jail â€" 10 Days (If Blood Alcohol Level above .20)

Fine - $250 Minimum Fine - Add $500-$1,000 (If Passenger under 18 in Vehicle)

License Suspension â€" 1 Year Ignition Interlock Device Required (If Blood Alcohol Level .15 or Above) Complete Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP)

-2nd DUI Conviction

Jail â€" From 20 Days Minimum to 1 Year (If Less Than 5 Years of Previous) Jail â€" Add 5 Days Minimum (If Passenger under 18 in Vehicle)

Second Offense within 5-10 Years of Previous Jail â€" 10 Days Minimum to 1 Month Jail â€" Add 10 Days (If Blood Alcohol Level .15-.20) Jail â€" Add 20 Days (If Blood Alcohol Level above .20) Jail â€" Add 5 Days Minimum (If Passenger under 18 in Vehicle)

License Suspension â€" 3 Years Ignition Interlock Device Required Upon Reinstatement

Fine - $500 Minimum Fine - $500-$1,000 Additional (If Passenger under 18 in Vehicle) Fine - $50 Trauma Center Fund Complete ASAP

-3rd DUI Conviction

Jail â€" 6 Months Minimum (If Within 5 Years of Previous) Jail â€" 90 Days Minimum (If Within 10 Years of Previous) Jail â€" Add 5 Days Minimum Additional (If Passenger under 18 in Vehicle)

Fine - $1,000 Minimum Fine - $50 Trauma Center Fund

License Suspension â€" Indefinitely May Petition Court after 5 Years Ignition Interlock Device Required (If License Reinstated)


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