Thursday, October 27, 2011 Public Gigabit Mumble Server (1500 user)

NEW SERVER: Connect to – same port, see below

You may already know that I am running a 1500 user public mumble for free, in fact the chances are you got to this page from clicking the link inside the MOTD on the server. If you want admin use the Contact page, or send an email to ; if you have any other questions or just want more info just leave a comment on this page and I will respond to it within 24 hours.

Click here to donate

When you send me an email be sure your user is already registered on the server by right clicking your name and hitting register. If you are wanting admin for your own channel and subchannels send me the following information.

Name:Mumble Name:Age:Reason:Slots needed:

The Akensai Mumble server is a 1500 slot dedicated server based in California on a gigabit connection, anywhere in the US your ping will be below 80, and anywhere in Europe, generally 100-150.

Connection Info:Address: voice.akensai.comPort: 64739No Password

You and your friends are free to use this mumble server for anything you wish, it’s my goal to see 200 people on at once one day.

Configuring an Access Token (Channel Passwords)

Access Tokens are configured by creating special groups, which consist of the token prefixed by a pound symbol. for example a token called “letmein” corresponds to a group called #letmein.

The Channel Editor dialog box contains a field called “password”. Entering “letmein” in the password field will automatically create a token group called #letmein, then by default will deny “Enter” access to @all and allow “Enter” access to users in the group #letmein, which will consist of any user who has that token in their token list.

To create token groups manually, first enable the Advanced Channel Editor. then Edit a channel and go to the ACL tab. On the bottom of the ACL list, select the @all entry and check the “Deny Enter” permissions box. Now click “Add”, and in the “Group” combobox at the bottom write #letmein and press enter. Now check the “allow Enter” permissions box, and click OK to dismiss the editor.

Using an Access Token

You may add access tokens to your client by selecting “Access Tokens” from the “Server” menu. Click add, type the token (e.g. “letmein”) and click “OK”. it should take effect immediately, granting you whatever permissions are associated with that token group. Remember that tokens are passwords, so treat them as such; pick a token name that is unique and hard to guess.

For more info on ACL guides visit the Mumble Wiki.


I know this is horrible of me to ask for but…. This server is starting to cost me a bit more than I planned it to when I decided to launch it, every dollar donated goes to the hosting bill, I can’t really offer you much in return except for permanant channels that I will never delete for any reason. so if you don’t mind donating $1 or $5 or however much you can spare, I would really appreciate it, and trust me when I say it will go to nothing other than the VPS the server is hosted on.

Current Monthly Cost: $43

Send any donations via PayPal to or use the donate button below, thanks again!

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