Friday, October 14, 2011

The Best Web Hosts – 2008

Web host review 2008

What are the key elements to choosing a web host, a base for your on line business, the bricks and mortar to your on line store or business? there are only a few important elements to consider when making your choice and these can be ranked as follows:-


This is a key factor in your decision making process, the up-time is a measure of constant and consistent service, ensuring that the public domain has access to it 100% of the time. it is very difficult for Hosting companies to state 100% up-time as they have to carry out sever maintenance to ensure long term up-time, this may cause and affect down-time. Most hosts will quote 99% up-time.


Just because a hosting company has been established for a long time, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the best. there are well known hosts out there who are being seriously challenged by the arrival of new kids on the block who are offering extremely attractive deals to gain host market share. some of these larger long established hosting companies have been complacent and have enjoyed the fruits of charging for more expensive hosting whilst offering a secondary service.

Ease of Use

This is a key indicator for me, I need to be able to navigate my way around my files and have the ability to manipulate files and installations on the hosts server. CPanel is a key facility in hosting plans, providing you with as much functionality as you would have with the files on your own hard drive. some of the larger, longer established hosting companies suffer from a fragmented navigation system which drives me crazy. All of the hosting systems that I use are very simple in structure and allow users to drop, drag and cut and paste

Domain Limits

If you are planning to host several websites at the same time as having them appear autonomous then you really do need be able to host them on a single hosting account. this will save you paying for hosting for each of your domains individually. Many people don’t realize that this is possible and they end up paying over the odds for multiple hosting accounts.

MySQL Limits

To the everyday man the MySQL limit determines how many blogs you can host on a single account, some hosts restrict your account to just one MySQL database whereas there are other that allow up to 50. this is a serious consideration for those prospects who are considering a career in Internet Marketing.

Monthly Bandwidth

This is the amount of uploading and downloading volume that you are allowed in a 30 day period. so if you have a website that has downloadable files, images or videos that are quite large, then this effects you bandwidth allowance as it is eaten up with the transfer of large files. Many hosts of late, have removed any restriction on bandwidth and have placed an unlimited allowance on accounts.

Email Limits

If you are going to host multiple web sites (domains) then you will possibly need as many email addresses, hosting standards are now lifting limitations on total email accounts allowable, offering an unlimited amount even on the more affordable hosting packages.

Given the diverse and wide range of hosting plans, facilities, offers and services that are available on the market today I feel that a comprehensive web host review should be available to newbies, intermediates and professionals alike. With over ten years of hosting experience my choices are fairly well defined and reasonably authoritative, hosting in excess of 200 websites of my own across a network of 10 – 15 hosts places me in a fairly well informed position to guide anyone seeking to secure a host for the long term, take five minutes to read web host reviews across the web and make an informed decision, there’ plenty of experience out there

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