Sunday, October 16, 2011

WebECS Announces New Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync Offering

Columbus, OH (PRWEB) October 05, 2011

WebECS, an experienced provider of Windows dedicated server hosting, Windows VDS hosting, and ASP.NET web hosting, today announced the launch of Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync across all Windows hosting accounts. WebECS is providing this convenient, streamlined solution to make synchronizing data from SmarterMail mailboxes to mobile devices as effortless as possible.

“Our new support for Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync is a logical progression for us,” says Kyle Beckham, President of WebECS. “Many of our Windows hosting service users depend on SmarterMail to deliver their email and store related information such as calendars and contacts, but need a way to get this data to their mobile devices. Exchange ActiveSync is the fastest, most powerful synchronization solution available right now and we are incredibly pleased to be able to offer it to all of our customers immediately.”

All of WebECS Windows hosting solutions customers can make use of a SmarterMail system to manage, receive, send and read email. the hosting company is now offering Exchange ActiveSync as an optional add-on for SmarterMail mailboxes, allowing data to be synchronized instantly between the server and most mobile devices including iPhone, Palm Pre, and Windows Mobile devices. After the feature is enabled on a mailbox, customers can benefit from automated two-way syncing using push technology to guarantee that the remote mailbox and mobile device are always up-to-date. This real-time synchronization applies not only to email, but also to contacts, folders, calendars, notes and tasks, depending on the capabilities of the mobile device. by using Exchange ActiveSync, customers can be confident that the vital information they need is in their hands, the moment it appears on the server.

“Let’s take an email as an example,” says Beckham. “There’s nothing worse than reading an email that requires an immediate response, only to find out that it has been sitting in your inbox for hours before it becomes available on your Smartphone. in the worst-case scenario, you could lose potential business. ActiveSync is lightning-fast as it uses push technology to deliver data and the entire solution was built from the ground up with speed in mind.”

When data is synchronized to and from a mobile device, speed is largely dependent on reducing the size of the data to be transmitted. in order to ensure that data is transferred to remote devices such as smartphones instantaneously, Exchange ActiveSync uses 18 patented methods to increase speed and keep data size to a minimum. With very small amounts of data being sent and received by the mobile device, the time taken for new email or contacts to appear is negligible. in addition to helping Windows hosting customers access critical data with ease, the increased speed of Exchange ActiveSync helps to reduce battery usage on mobile devices and reduce data usage consumption where applicable.

“Exchange ActiveSync is something we are very proud to be able to offer,” says Beckham. “The demand for a reliable, quick synchronization system that is compatible with our Windows hosting as ASP.NET hosting services has been incredible, but it is not enough for us to offer a solution that simply does the job. WebECS has 14 years experience of delivering the absolute best service possible, and we have carefully chosen the best synchronization solution to match.”

With the launch of this new Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync service, WebECS exceeds customer expectations with a high-quality, professional-grade solution. For just $3 per month per mailbox, customers can enjoy lightning-fast sync to their mobile devices and keep the information they need available, all the time. Customers who would like to find out more about WebECS, the range of Windows web hosting plans, and Exchange ActiveSync, are encouraged to visit for details.

Established in 1997, WebECS is a privately owned hosting company specializing in affordable and reliable Windows based hosting services including support for all versions of ASP.NET hosting, Windows 2003 hosting, Windows 2008 hosting, Windows dedicated SQL Server 2008, Windows VPS hosting, Windows VDS hosting, and Windows managed dedicated servers. WebECS also offers virtual dedicated server clients a huge software savings with the addition of the SmarterTools software bundle.

For more information about WebECS, visit

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