Sunday, October 9, 2011

Former Indie 101.5 music director and Lipgloss co-founder looking to break into Internet radio

​good news for those of you who miss Indie 101.5: John “Whip” Wilbur, the station’s morning show host and music director, and Lipgloss co-founder Tyler Jacobson have announced plans to launch a new Internet-based indie radio station in Denver, Post 303.

Their announcement, of course, comes as Colorado Public Radio prepares to roll-out Open Air. but where Open Air seeks to deal more in a wide variety of music on the AM dial, Post 303 is hoping to cater directly to the indie listener, spotlighting both Denver bands and national acts side by side. Internet radio isn’t exactly cheap, though, and so the pair are they’re looking for some help.

The duo is looking for $10,000 in funding for equipment and web hosting, which includes the monthly streaming fees the station will need to incur. They’re not worrying much about location expenses at the moment. Instead looking for a storefront where people can see the station in action, and pop in for a quick DJ spot themselves. no, that’s not a joke, they have full plans to have a computer for random people to use and DJ during open times — which might be first in broadcast radio, at least here in Denver. Wilbur spells out his goals on the station’s fundraising page:

our goal is to expose deserving Colorado bands to our target audience, the Denver metro area music fan, while using the power of the internet to reach music fans worldwide. we aim to champion Colorado bands that aren’t getting radio play in Denver.

If, for some reason, we don’t make the station happen, we fear the Colorado music scene will fade away, being replaced by another city who has a few bands suddenly getting played on the radio, on commercial radio, that is. there are so many talented bands in the state that will never get a sniff from commercial radio here or elsewhere. Here’s the video pitch:

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