Sunday, October 9, 2011

Engine Yard strikes a partnership with Acquia

Engine Yard strikes a partnership with Acquia

Ruby on Rails news is important to us here at we hope to put as many resources for your Ruby on Rails and hosting needs together as possible. With that we hope to bring you the information that you will need to make wise choices, and get in on the movement within our ever-growing, Rails influenced sector of the web. With that being said, there is big news coming out of the wire this morning concerning EngineYard. looks like they have struck a deal with Acquia to provide managed cloud service for Drupal and Ruby on Rails apps. the deal is being toted as the “New Cloud Platform-as-a-Service Partnership that Will Combine Best-of-Breed Open-Source Web CMS and Custom Web Application Development.” With the combination of these two efforts, the development of social media websites and very specific web applications should take less time by developers who use Drupal and Ruby on Rails.

The deal brings together two very big proponents in the web community. Acquia is the leading provider of Drupal to commercial solutions. Their mission statement is to “empower enterprises with the open-source content-management system Drupal.” the company was co-founded by Drupla’s creator in 2007. They really shine by helping customers manage their growth and scale their online presence. some of their customers are,, Al Jazeera among others. Enginge Yard, as stated before is the leading developer of cloud solutions for Ruby on Rails.They have an expertise in Rails operations automation, open source community involvement, and world class service. This gives them the ability to help thousands of customers to build and run cloud-based applications easily and cost-effectively. Their customers include small web startups as well as Fortune 500 enterprises. With this partnership comes the marriage of these two communities, who will now be able to launch and develop their apps much easier than before. Specifically, Drupal-based websites will be able to easily customize and integrate specific Ruby on Rails applications and components into their overal web presence. This will likely give rise to some very incredible websites.

Engine Yard sums up the deal in this way: “We are very happy to partner with Acquia to deliver this joint solution to our customers,” said Steve Gross, VP of Corporate and Business Development at Engine Yard. “Now website builders and application developers will be able to leverage two best-of-breed cloud technologies to create websites and custom applications.”

Acquia sums up the deal with this statement: “We believe this partnership allows us to offer the best Ruby on Rails cloud solutions alongside our leading Drupal services. Engine Yard is our preferred partner for Rails in the cloud. we can deliver Rails-based custom applications integrated with Drupal-based websites, all running in the cloud, and allow Acquia to be the single-source, total solution for customers,” said Tom Erickson, Acquia’s CEO.”

This deal should be a game-changer for developers looking to marry Drupal and Rails.we would be interested to hear your thoughts on this deal. are you a developer looking to marry Rails and Drupal? Send a reply tweet to @Railshosting with your thoughts.

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