Monday, October 10, 2011

Who Discovered America?

Many believe that America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. but it is contested by some. Columbus accidentally landed in America while searching for India. but some say with authority that the land he landed on was Bahamas. Columbus returned to Spain only to be followed by Amerigo Vespucci in 1947. the vast land was given the name America by Martin Waldseemuller. the Chinese too claim that they were the ones who first discovered America.

So, who discovered America first? It is a puzzle.

Who were the discoverers of America before Columbus?

Though there were expeditions to America from Asia, there is no recorded history to say so. the expeditions of Norse dates back to 986 AD even well before Columbus discovered. the Viking- type settlement found in Canada lends credence to this theory. these settlements are nearly 1000 years old. the claim of the discovery of America by the Chinese Admiral Zheng is highly doubtful because he never crossed the Indian Ocean during his expeditions.

Discovery of America:

The effort to discover America by Columbus gave rise to colonialism. the opportunities for Europeans increased multifold after Columbus and Vespucci landed in America. the huge land remained unexplored and underexploited for the Europeans to make use of. It was now called the New World. this land mass was the home to the people who were called Red Indians by Europeans. Europeans occupied the land and started ruling. During their rule thousands of Native Americans were killed by the genocide committed by the Europeans.

The debate on who discovered America is never ending, though the popular belief is that it was Columbus who discovered it.

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