Wednesday, October 26, 2011

managed vpsCanadian Web Hosting Launches Canadian Cloud Hosti – Servers Tech Blog

with Canadian Web Hostings full spectrum of web hosting capabilities and industry best support, organizations looking to the cloud no longer have to worry about their data leaving Canada, keeping critical applications staying online, or competing for resources with those of other organizations, your cloud is dedicated to your business, said Kevin Liang, Chief Technology Officer at Canadian Web Hosting. Our CA Clouds cilitate customization and integration that is an exact match to our clients requirements from shared cloud hosting to high performing VPS. with each solution, our clients get highly redundant dedicated components that yield a higher-level of performance and availability for their critical infrastructure. this is something that is not always possible in typical Public Clouds today.

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Copyright © 2011,WebHosting.Info – ADirecti Service

managed vpsCanadian Web Hosting Launches Canadian Cloud Hosti,Canadian Web Hosting, a provider of web hosting and infrastructure services, yesterday announced the launch of its new cloud hosting services including enterprise ready CA Cloud Servers and Cloud Hosting solutions.

The CA Cloud is the first cloud hosting solution designed for Canadians that is able to meet the needs of the most demanding business critical applications.

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It avers that included with every CA Cloud enterprise server, its certified support teams manage CA Cloud Servers from top to bottom including server deployment, patching, vulnerability updates, application and database server management, server hardening, firewalls, networking, back-ups and storage, allowing their customers to focus on their critical business needs.

Combining VMware, the web hosting industries leading virtualization technolomanaged vps hostinggy, with flexible and highly scalable cloud hosting options 免beian主机, its now easier than ever to take advantage of the cost savings provided by the cloud, and increase your uptime without the need for significant capital investment, said Matt McKinney, Business and Marketing Officer of Canadian Web Hosting. this, in combinamanaged vpsCanadian Web Hosting Launches Canadian Cloud Hostition with our proven business and security practices and support capabilities, makes for a very compelling cloud service offering that is uniquely Canadian. It adopts our value system and ensures that every Canadian business has access to a enterprise ready cloud hosting service that fits a wide range of budget constraints.

Domain Parking by Skenzo – Worlds leading domain parking and traffic monetization company!

The company mentions that in combination with its CICA 5970 and SAS70 Type II certifications, its cloud hosting solutions address the needs of Canadians by delivering reliability and corporate governance for Canadian companies who are running critical applications for their businesses. to achieve this, the company is utilizing the virtualization technology from VMware and expanding its already reliable Xen and Hyper-V cloud solutions to help meet every customers web hosting requirements from shared hosting to virtual and cloud servers.

offers AffordableDomain Names with FreeEmail Hosting;Web Hosting Services; BulkDomain Registration, and more.

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