Friday, October 28, 2011

Unraveling the MobileMess of the MobileMe to iCloud Migration

Apple is known for its ability to create products that are easy to use and even easier to understand. Too bad that ease of use doesn’t translate to their latest cloud features. Instead, they’ve seemed to have mastered the art of confusing the hell out of everyone.

Especially customers who have been using MobileMe for years. a lot of the services included in iCloud were first seen in MobileMe; and some of MobileMe’s most beloved features are vanishing into the, well, clouds. How’s a cloud-surfer to make sense of all this? put your tiny hand in mine; I’ve got you.

Good news: iCloud is free. Apple just saved you $99 a year. Bad news: Transitioning your stuff from MobileMe to iCloud is so complicated, it can make you want to smash your iPad against a wall. Apple’s tips on making the switch is spread out over multiple pages on its site. It’s like Cupertino is trying to piss us off.

The trick to the whole mess is patience and preparedness. Let’s do this.

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